The Definite Guide To Acne Free Skin:

What's The Real Cause Of Acne?

Acne occurs when your body contains more toxics than your kidneys and bowels can remove. (Your kidneys and bowels are the two primary channels of elimination that your body expel toxics and waste products through.)

These toxics can be the accumulation of fat stored chemicals the liver can not wash out or there may be a problem with fat digestion, fat accumulation, food allergy, or even the accumulation of hormones that your body produces.

Once these toxics build up, your kidneys and bowels can get overloaded and clogged up, causing it to not function properly. When that happens some of the load will be dumped onto your liver. One of your liver's main roles is to metabolize pile up fat into usable energy for your body.

This means, your liver will be doing some of your kidney's work. So now, your liver gets overloaded and it too will not work at full capacity.

What happens when your bowels, kidneys, and liver gets overloaded?

When that happen your body will expel toxins through your lungs and skin (your secondary channels of elimination). And this is when acne occurs. This is when your skin starts to breakout.

But whatever the toxic source is that‘s causing this problem, acne is a sign that your bowels and kidneys are overloaded with toxins, waste products, or hormones.

It is a sign that your liver is growing weaker in its detoxification abilities (and it will continue to grow weaker if you do not do what it takes to get rid of the toxics in your body).

So if you think that acne is your only problem, think again, your liver, kidneys, and bowels are getting weaker every time you breakout.

For more information on how to treat acne at the root of the problem, visit:

Here's The One Thing You Can Start Doing Today That Can Help Prevent Acne

By Houa Yang

You probably don’t know this yet but product wastes and toxic build up in your system is one of the main reasons why you have acne or why your skin breaks out.

You see, your body has 4 channels of elimination...your bowels, kidneys, lungs, and your skin. Your bowels and kidneys are the primary channels that your body expels product wastes and toxics through.

The only time that your body expels product wastes through your lungs and skin is when your bowels and kidneys are overloaded with product wastes and toxics or when your bowels becomes sluggish.

When this happens, your body will take some of the product waste and expel it through your lungs and skin (your secondary channels of elimination). Resulting in acne breakout.

However, you can prevent this from happening by increasing “fiber” intake. Fiber will absorb these toxins and product waste, and help your bowels sweep them out of your system fast.

So by taking enough fiber, you’ll be able to speed up your bowels transit time thus, preventing your body from expelling toxics through your skin and preventing acne.

So your next step is to start eating the type of foods that contains the highest amount of fiber.

What types of food contains the highest amount of fiber? Fruits and non-starchy vegetables.

Fruits such as apples, bananas, oranges, raspberries, and strawberries. And vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, parsnips, and potatoes. These contains the highest amount of fiber.

But this does not mean that you go out and eat as much of these high fiber foods as you can.

You should only consume enough so that your bowel transit time is between 12 to 18 hours. In other words, try not to consume too much fiber in day or else your transit time may be too fast causing nutrients to pass through your system without being absorbed. So if your transit time is under 12 hours, you may want to reduce the amount of fibers consume each day.

However, if your transit time is more than 24 hours then you really need to consume more fiber intake or else your body will start expelling these product wastes and toxins through your skin (resulting in acne breakout).

For me it’s about 32 grams of fiber a day but it may be different for you, so you should really test it out for yourself and see how much grams of fiber you should be consuming each day. It’s probably best to start out with 30 grams of fiber a day and go on from there.

How much grams of fiber does each fruit and vegetable contain? For the fruits I’ve listed above it’s about 3 grams each and the vegetables are about 2 grams each. However, I do recommend you consume more vegetables than fruits because fruits are high in natural sugar.

While consuming more fiber alone will not stop acne it can help in preventing acne. And that’s one portion of the pie in fighting acne.

For more information on treating the root cause of acne, visit:

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